The project has a duration of 32 months (February 2019 – October 2021) and is financed by the Call “Support for the implementation of Strategic Plans (SP) and the establishment and management of Operational Groups (OG) of the European Innovation Partnership on productivity and sustainability of agriculture” Year 2017 – Tuscany RDP 2014/2020 (EAFRD funds – requested contribution € 299.286,68).


The presence of wildlife is becoming more and more significant in Tuscany (and in many other Italian regions), causing serious damage to agro-forestry entrepreneurs, with consequent loss of income. The most striking species are the wild boar (70% of the damage), the roe deer and the deer (a total of 20% of the damage).


The general objective of the ULTRAREP project is the experimentation of an ultrasonic system to protect crops attacked by wild ungulates.

The project also includes models for monitoring the socio-economic and environmental impacts of the new systems and the transfer of the experience gained.


  • Coordination and Animation of the Operational Group

  • Development of a new UAR prototype (Ultrasound Animal Repeller) and experimentation in 3 target areas (5 pilot companies) on wine, horticultural and green areas

  • Impact verification of frequencies on non-target species (bats and corvids)

  • New IT structure accessible via web, monitoring and transfer of innovation. Technological and agronomic validation and monitoring of socio-economic and environmental impacts.

  • Dissemination of project results

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